
Interview between Antionist and Kidzombie

Ant: Hello Andy aka Zombie. Welcome to the Interview.

Zombie: Thnx πŸ™‚

Ant: Lets talk about your journey on MC2. You started off in the XG clan right?

Zombie: Yes it was my first clan I joined

Ant: What did you think of the clan? Were the members cool?

Zombie: Yeah it was. We had great players and great personalitys, we had a lot of fun

Zombie: πŸ™‚

Ant: Coool πŸ™‚ How about Dragon the Leader? Did you think he did a good job of leading after replacing XG’s Old Leader, Legit Master?

Zombie: I can’t say, I never met Legit! But Dragon did a great job as a leader! And you can see how hard it is but he was good πŸ™‚ Also did a great job with XG’s Homepage.

Ant: Oh :O Well yeah, Legit left in early 2011 I think so ya…

Ant: And yeah, XG site is pretty good.

Zombie: I started to play in January and joined XG in March

Ant: Did you leave XG or did you get kicked? And for what reason if you don’t mind saying…

Zombie: I left XG. The reason was that I wanted a challenge and try something new. SR9 have great players and few members. So I wanted to see if i had what it takes to join, am I good?

Ant: Ohhh I see. Yes you’re v.good ^.^

Zombie: Thnx :$

Zombie: Maybe πŸ™‚

Ant: lol πŸ™‚

Ant: Who do you think is the best member(s) in SR9? And why?

Zombie: I can’t say one member, the same with XG. I think all are good but on different things. Like weapon, map, how they play etc. To be in a good clan, you are one of the best.

Ant: Okay fair enough. Yeah, sometimes Β it can be hard to choose the best member(s).

Ant: What is the future looking like for yourself and SR9? You seem pretty loyal to the clan…

Zombie: I only play for fun and don’t think about the future. I think the future for SR9 is bright, many good members with awesome kdr and rank on leaderboard and we are moving up fast.

Ant: Mm yeah. True. SR9 is going really well atm.

Ant: Final Question. What would you rate this interview on out of ten? Ten being the highest of course ^_^

Zombie: First Interview so ten πŸ™‚ But maybe questions on who I am, like weapons, maps etc.

Ant: Lol haha thanks for the suggestions πŸ™‚ πŸ˜›

Ant: Thanks for your time. I hope you enjoyed it.

Zomvie: Yeah thnx πŸ™‚ hope you got what you wanted πŸ™‚

  1. this interview is so fresh beacuse my name is in :$

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