TheBROK3NWING5: Hey RAM_BOUNTY, How are you doing today?

RAM_BOUNTY: Good, Very Good

TheBROK3NWING5: So what does RAM stand for?

RAM_BOUNTY: RAM_ stands for: Red Apocalypse Mercenaries

TheBROK3NWING5: Have you guys had Clan Battles yet?

RAM_BOUNTY: A few, yes

TheBROK3NWING5: With which Clan?

RAM_BOUNTY: Well we clan battled 2 diff clans

TheBROK3NWING5: Which?

RAM_BOUNTY: A old clan: RTK. We battled them 5 times. It was 15 games. We didnt lose one game and Ra_ we played one time and we beat them

TheBROK3NWING5: So Who would you say is the best member in your clan?

RAM_BOUNTY: Hmm thats tough. I would say its between 3 diff members. RAM_Toyopo, RAM_habit, RAM_ZBN     If i had to pick it would probably be RAM_ZBN  hes 75 on the LB

TheBROK3NWING5: Tell me a little bit about yourself. Your history on how you got MC:BP

RAM_BOUNTY: What do u mean by how i got it?

TheBROK3NWING5: Like, How did you get the game MC:BP

RAM_BOUNTY: I saw the YT trailer, and had a giftcard.. The rest is history 😀

TheBROK3NWING5: What do you think of the MC-Community website?

RAM_BOUNTY: Its great, having tons of fun so far

TheBROK3NWING5: Would you recommend it to your clan-mates?

RAM_BOUNTY: I definitly will post the link to our chat room, and recomend if you want. Basicly, yes.

TheBROK3NWING5: Thank You.

RAM_BOUNTY: Your welcome

Information about the Clan:

Palringo Group: ram_clan

Website: http://www.theramclan.wordpress.com/ (New Website – Under Construction)

  1. Nice..

  2. Sweet ram good job

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