Ant: Hii Onyx and welcome to the interview 🙂

Onyx: Hey, thanks for having me here 🙂

Ant: Cooll np. So lets start off with RCAC, what does it mean and also when did you found the clan??

Onyx: RCAC means Royal Candian Armored Corps, it was found on March 20th.

Onyx: lol you don’t have to be Canadian to join.

Ant: lol haha yeah.. was about to ask 😛 

Onyx: lol

Ant: so you’re clan is pretty new-ish? were you in any clans before RCAC?

Onyx: No I haven’t but before I made RCAC I wanted to join TFF at rank 49, which I was accepted but they were full at the time.

Onyx: Also I wasn’t sure on joining POK at the time.

Ant: wow really? :O I didn’t know u tried out. What was ur name then? same as it is now??

Onyx: Well i had i few names. My very first was Odd_0nyx then Montreal_Onyx then RCAC_Onyx.

Onyx: I had the Montreal_Onyx because I wasn’t sure what to pick

Onyx: so I choose the city i live in 😀

Ant: ohh lol. yeah well sry if u wanted to join 😦 TFF fills up really fast both in the past and in the present O_O

Ant: How many members are in RCAC? and also have you battled any clans at all yet..?

Onyx: we have about 14-15 I am keeping it small because we had 29 memebers and it was out of control, people i didn’t even test were joining and so many fakes, so I decided to keep it small.

Onyx: And for the clan battles.

Onyx: We’ve battled TFF, POK (ECA), MES, and AOK

Onyx: those were Official battles.

Onyx: We had other battles with other people

Onyx: but they were un-official but they claim it was a real cb

Ant: Yes it’s good to have a steady member limit. Not too many but also not too few. 

Ant: TFF and RCAC have never had an official clan battle as far as i’m aware :S

Onyx: well we had 2 but it was before the update.

Onyx: the score was 2-1 for TFF

Onyx: i don’t think TFF put it on their website.

Onyx: but it’s on ours.

Onyx: and I have the picture.

Ant: well i never approved it to be official. tbh you need to discuss with the leader to claim it as “official” but anyway.. it’s good to battle other clans often and it seems u guys do 🙂

Ant: What do you think of the new MC Community site btw? Likes/Dislikes?

Onyx: I love it. It gets the news around and it’s pretty updated.

Onyx: The other one what OAG_Headshot made was good but wasn’t updated.

Ant: gdgd 😀 i’m glad people are really liking it. Yeah, headshot was like the main person on that site cause he used to update the most stuff and I think he was prolly busy with other stuff at the same time so.. yeah 😛

Onyx: Probably, I hope the website because really active.

Ant: ya me too 🙂

Ant: On a final note, what would you rate this interview on out of ten? Ten being the highest of course :))

Onyx: 8/10

Onyx: the other 2 is about the clan battle being un-official. I thought it was all this time 🙂

Onyx: Other than that. It was fantastic!

Ant: lol i actually never heard about TFF and RCAC battling properly till now 
-_- probs some TFF members just did it without permission…

Ant: okiee thanks for your time. I hope you enjoyed it ^_^

Onyx: I did enjoy it certainly. 🙂

Onyx: Anytime bro.
  1. Lmao antionist you need your little signature thing you had at the end of all the old interviews 😛 nice job keep it up.

  2. _RCAC_Nedtic_

    Nice interview! 🙂

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