Sign up for an Interview

ALL interviews are done by people on this website, Most likely it’s going to be Antion(Palringo ID: 6594929) and Lone(Palringo ID: 7797743) who does them. If you want to featured in an interview, Sign Up for one and it’s

First Come, First Serve.

  1. Gameloft Username
  2. What Palringo Group are you mostly in?
  3. Why do you want to be in an interview?


    I want to be in a interview:
    1. Im bored
    2.ram clan publicity
    3.sounds fun
    4.i just want to

  2. RA_ghost

    Sb clan or RA chat

    Cuz I’m the shit jk I want to be more know

  3. 1. OAG_DARKW0LF
    2.oag clan
    I want to be in a interview:
    1. bored
    2. have fun
    3. i don’t know 😛

  4. I’ll give them two interviews soon^

    Btw Wings or whoever.. can you put my palringo number on this page : 6594929
    Thx. Makes it easier for people to find me.

  5. OAG_iFail_2G

    OAG Clan

    Because it looks fun!

    Palringo ID : 10814439

  6. 1.TFF_iExTo

    2. TFF clan

    3. nigga cuz im beast

  7. Name: RCAC_Onyx

    Chat: rcac clan

    Reason: I never done one before so I would like one 🙂


    TFF_RBLGIRL_FB5 …I mostly on TFF clan….I feel there’s lots for people to understand about me and how I feel in this mc2 male dominated world,and where I stand with all discrimination,profanity used against me..people are scared of difference, an I present that apparently..i find it’s harder to make a name for myself then others…


    Well rebel when i start doing interviews ull b my first if antion hasnt alredy done u. Congratz on the best answer so far 😉

  10. 1. BW_LUGIA_LP
    2. bw clan
    3. I’m bored and I love to get interviewed 😛


    Name: XG_Deoxys_LP

    XG resurrect

    I’ve been in a lot of clans and it’s been harsh and I just want to be noticed

  12. 1. TFF_Pizza_FB5
    2. tff clan / mc2 gamer
    3. Not to be cool …. just think its nice to have one 😛



    2. sb clan
    3. I never had a interview and I would like to have on….

  14. 1.OAG_kidSosa
    2.oag clan or mc pros
    3. cause i wanna get notice cause i know lots of clans think i suck and shit but i prove them wrong and most ppl dont know me and i never did an interview !! so yah yu should pick me !! lol

    Elite Combat Army
    Ive never done one and i want eca to get out there

  16. And lol rebel nice speach if i was a girl i would think think the same way as you 😀

  17. How about we close the signing up for interviews for a bit..there’s already alotta people signed up..

  18. SSPK_legitdude
    I wanna get interviewed because i feel lile peopl can get to know a lil bit more about me and how it all started. 🙂

    Im usaully in _sspk_ chat group its easy to find me
    Thanks for your time 🙂

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