MN League

Gametype Rules:

Map: Avalanche
Game Size: 2 Players or 4 Players if a 2 v 2
Round Win Limit: 1
Max Game time: 15 Minutes
Regeneration: Yes
Aim Assist: No
Private Match: Yes
No Grenades (Flashes Acceptable, Unless you agree not to use flashes)
No Glitching (If the person is glitching then take an SS, and show it to me)


1.) To sign up, please join MC_Community Give us your username and your partner’s username, and team name. After signing up, you will be placed on the brackets, and you must schedule a match with your opponent at a time that is good for the both of you.
2.) The player with his or her Username that comes first alphabetically hosts the match. (Clan Tags Count)
3.) The winner reports the match in the palringo group.
4.) You can only be the MN Rifle(s)
5.) Killing with a different class is an automatic disqualification.
6.) If you report the other player for cheating, you must have proof.
7.) If someone joins the game unexpectedly, and they kill someone on the opposite team. Exit the match, and reschedule it. The match will have to be restarted. It’s recommended to make a private group and talking there.


  1. XG_alTim8_nOoB


  2. I wanna join

  3. I wud likes to join 🙂

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