Pistol League

This League is a very interesting league because, there are different type of pistols in this game. There are different kind of pistols, which are:
– Baretta M9
– Baretta M9 Silenced
– Mac 11
– Mac 11 Silenced
– Desert Eagle
– Golden Desert Eagle

In this tournament you are allowed to you basically any of the Secondary Guns. I recommend using Health as a perk. The Golden Pistol has a secret surprise if you know this that’s great. If you don’t, you’ll just have to wait and see.


– Any map, BOTH of you guys HAVE to agree on
– 15 or 30 kills, Again it’s what you guys agree on.
– If someone joins unexpectedly, immediately and restart. It’s recommended to make a separate group and talk about who host there.
– No hacking or Glitching, if someone hacks or glitches take an ss. Glitches are okay, But hacking will NOT be tolerated.
– If someone uses another weapon it’s an automatic disqualification. (Only if it’s a tournament) If you use a weapon in a league restart the match over. (Recommended to SS)

Additional Information:

  • Win = 3 Points
  • Loss = 0 Points
  • Shut-Out = 3 Points

Enrolled List:

  1. Ill join plz

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