Sign up for a League

If you want to sign up for a league go ahead. Everyone can be enrolled to any league, as long as they have time to do so. Answer these questions in order, and in neat and we’ll get back to you.

1) What League are you signing up for?
2) Gameloft Live Username
3) Did You join MC_Community ? (Join the group, Most of the people in these leagues are in the group)
4) Will you be Active? (Activitiy helps, you and your opponent)
Additional Information:

  • Win = 3 Points
  • Loss = 0 Points
  • Shut-Out = 3 Points
  1. TSM_Archmaster

    1. Sniping League
    2. USER NAME: TSM_Archmaster
    3. yes
    4. i’m very active

  2. 1. The knifing league (i love to knife)
    2.username: RAM_BOUNTY
    3. Yup
    4. Im pretty active

  3. 1. Knifing, sniping
    2.username: OAG_OuTLaW
    3. Yup
    4. active

  4. 1. Pistol
    2. Username: ECA_Cremoositoo
    3. Yes
    4. Active

  5. 1. MN League
    2. XG_iCo2555
    3. Yeah.
    4. Active as I can be.

  6. 1. Knifing and Sniping
    2. BW_EdForce01
    3. Yes
    4. I am very active

  7. 1. Sniping League
    2. OG_Briggs
    3 Yes
    4. I am quite active in MC2.

    I am in need of an MC2 Sniping partner. Pm me on Palringo if youre interested.

  8. 1. All leagues (is that okey?)
    2. OAG_iFail_2G
    3. Just about to
    4. Very active

  9. Sniping League
    Yes very active


    thank you for signing up.

  11. 1. sniping league
    2. TFF_iExTo
    3. yes
    4.very active

  12. 1. MN and Sniping
    2. TFF_KO
    3. Nope will sometime
    4. Not really


  14. RC_ClaN__FaKiE

    1. Sniping
    2. RC_ClaN__FaKiE
    3. Yessir!
    4.Very Active

  15. i meant RS_ClaN__FaKiE

  16. Knifing league
    In about 3 days yes

  17. 1.Knifing League (Undefeated)
    2.Gameloft Name: SSPK_legitdude
    4.Yes im on everyday all day

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