About SSPK


Vicohen started his journey through Modern Combat Sandstorm. Two weapons were very powerful in this game, the shotgun and the sniper. Vicohen chose the shotgun. At first he almost never died, but spawn killers rose which continuously killed and aggravated Vicohen. Most spawn killers were from clans, which was when Vicohen decided to join a clan against them.

Vicohen hated most clans because they all had spawn killers, but one day he read a review about ACR. This clan’s purpose was to kill spawn killers. Vicohen turned into ACR_Vicohen. At first he was excited of being in this clan, but the leader never played or replied to messages. Soon ACR_Vicohen went back to Vicohen.

Modern Combat 2 Black Pegasus came out, and Vicohen wanted to make the first clan for this game. SSPK was born, Specialized Strategically Planned kills. The name came to SSPK_Vicohen because he never just clicked the fire button, he planned every kill with much thought.

Since SSPK_Vicohen was disappointed with the last leader, he wanted to be the best leader possible. From that point on SSPK_Vicohen responded to every message, and hosted private matches for his clan on every Saturday.

SSPK_SkullChaos was one of the first members, and joined every Saturday match. SSPK_Vicohen decided to make him the vice president. Soon after, SSPK_TheKing, and SSPK_Boss47 showed much enthusiasm for the clan, making them the representatives. SSPK_Vicohen noticed his clan needed a website, that was when SSPK_Prodigy designed an entire website for the clan. SSPK_Prodigy became the manager. Later, SSPK_SkullChaos never showed up to any clan matches, or ever played flat out, so SSPK_Prodigy has taken his place as the Vice President. SSPK had the same problem with SSPK_Boss47, so SSPK_Wisepotato took his place. SSPK_Skullchaos changed his name to SSPK_ChAoS and is finally playing again due to some unknown difficulties. SSPK_ChAoS is now the second Vice President.

One month ago, SSPK_Vicohen had to make a decision to either give the clan to SSPK_Prodigy or to end the clan with a strong end. Prodigy and Vicohen both believed it was better if they ended the clan. Then, SSPK_Prodigy came back, and started to create the best MC2 clan all over again, with SSPK_Vicohen’s permission. then SSPK_prodigy got a ps3 and give the clan to SSPK_Chaos but the SSPK_chaos never was on so I SSPK_wisepotato am running the clan until SSPK_Vicohen returns. SSPK is SSPK will become the strongest force in MC2, and nothing can stop them.

SSPK has currently 10 players, because of the new beginning. SSPK will continue to grow and spread through all of gameloft FPS games. Join today!

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